10 Former Midcarders Who Could Return To WWE As Main Eventers In 2015

5. Ken Kennedy

Everyone remembers Mr. Kennedy...Kennedy, right? With his announcing of his own ring entrance, booming voice and unorthodox style how could you not? Kennedy was supposed to be a main event player in WWE, but he was the victim of circumstances, bad luck and himself. After an initial injury setback he suffered shortly after his debut, Kennedy returned with a vengeance and feuded with Batista and The Undertaker and won the 2007 Money In The Bank match at WrestleMania 23. Kennedy would have cashed it in had he not suffered another injury. He lost the briefcase to Edge and never made it near the main event scene again, although he did have a decent feud with Shawn Michaels in late 2007. But after that, he floundered and had yet more injury setbacks. Ken's comments in the aftermath of the Benoit tragedy didn't help his cause much: Kennedy claimed in an interview that he had only used steroids before making it to WWE and ceased using them when he got there. Two weeks later, Kennedy was named by Sports Illustrated as having received performance-enhancing drugs between October 2006 and February 2007. Whoops. Kennedy was fired by WWE four days after his return match in 2009 for, among other things, recklessly dropping Randy Orton on his head and neck with a back suplex. He has been wrestling for TNA since his release but he could come back to WWE for one last run. At 38 years old and with his history of injuries, it really is now or never for Ken Kennedy... ...Kennedy.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...