10 Former Midcarders Who Could Return To WWE As Main Eventers In 2015

4. Muhammad Hassan

The story of Muhammad Hassan has been told many, many times over but it bears repeating because it is one of the greatest examples of a missed opportunity in WWE. Hassan made an instant impression on the WWE universe when he debuted in 2004 as an Arab-American who pleaded with fans to treat him normally after he had received abuse and mistreatment following 9/11. Despite this reasonable request, Hassan was a hated heel and the perfect foil for the flag-waving babyfaces of WWE. Hassan rubbed shoulders with some heavy-hitters during his brief WWE career and squared off with Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker on pay-per-view before he was axed by UPN due to a controversial angle which aired on Smackdown. Hassan (who was played by Italian Mark Copani) left the business altogether after his release and became a teacher. Still, can you imagine the reaction to a surprise Hassan return? He could align himself with fellow foreigner Russev or feud with America loving John Cena. Hassan's run was brief but memorable and, if he's kept himself in shape, he could make an instant impact in WWE once more. You shouldn't hold your breath for his return, though, since he was disliked backstage and left the company on bad terms.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...