10 Former WWE Stars Who Deserve Another Shot
8. Tenille Dashwood

Kaitlyn best get in line behind a woman who was horrendously misused during her six years of WWE life.
As Emma, Tenille Dashwood was repeatedly overlooked in favour of others, stuck in poor comedy spots or treated as a jobber-to-the-stars. After a while, fans were conditioned not to give a toss about her matches, which is a real shame considering her work in ROH's Women Of Honor division during the first half of 2018.
Emma was doomed to spin her wheels throughout her WWE tenure, and there must be a part of her that'd love to show what she can really do in the promotion. She's still only 29 years old (Dashwood will turn 30 on 1 March), so age isn't an issue. Even if it takes a year or so, it'd be great to see her back on WWE TV.
Just... well, let's hope they steer clear of that 'Emmalina' nonsense that helped bring about her WWE demise if she ever does launch a comeback. That did nothing for her confidence, made a mockery of fan interest and p*ssed all over her hopes going forward.