10 Fun Facts About My Trip To WWE WrestleMania 21

10. Always Set Your Alarm Multiple Times

My Mum€™s house was only a twenty minute car journey from Glasgow Airport, so my buddy Kenneth (yeah we have the same name) and I stayed there ready to leave at 4:30am to be checked in for 5am for our 6am flight to London, where we would then board a long haul flight to Los Angeles. Of course I couldn€™t doze off until about 1am, thinking it€™s fine and I€™d wake up at 4 and have a half hour to get ready - nothing could go wrong.

BEEP BEEP BEEP. I woke up and heard my alarm and saw the time was 4:48am. I€™ve never jumped out of bed so fast. We had to be checked in by 5:30am and this WrestleMania weekend and LA holiday was gonna be a once in a lifetime kind of thing, so I couldn€™t miss it.

As all Mums do, mine decided that would be the best time to point out that I need to learn to be more punctual. Kenneth decided he€™d have a quick five minute shower while I paced around the living room thinking about that if we missed our flight we€™d have to go out the next day and my friend in LA picking us up would be p***ed that he€™d taken the day off work to help us and we€™d stupidly missed our flight.

We finally drove to the airport and ran with our cases to check in. The time was 5:28am. Two minutes to spare. Thank f*** for that.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.