10 Fun Facts About My Trip To WWE WrestleMania 23

8. Dusty Rhodes Gets Inducted Into The Hall Of Fame

The 2007 class of the WWE Hall of Fame was pretty stacked, with Nick Bockwinkel and The Wild Samoans opening before Curt Hennig, Mr Fuji, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler all got inducted during a ceremony that took place the night before WrestleMania 23. This was all the prelude to the main event of the evening - Dusty Rhodes' induction. Longtime fans will have great memories of Dusty in his classic matches with the likes of Ric Flair, whereas my first memory of The American Dream was on the SummerSlam €™89 video tape where I saw this huge man in polka dots with a massive birth mark on his tummy beating up an Elvis impersonator. As soon as his iconic WWE music hit, everybody around me stood up to applaud The Dream. When Dusty started dancing to his theme song, most of us in the audience, for whatever reason, joined in and jigged along with The Son of a Plumber. It was such a fun moment and was capped off by Dusty pulling out a polka dotted handkerchief to wipe his brow, which got a huge reaction from the crowd. The way Dusty talked throughout his speech, you could tell the induction really meant something to him and one more time, we got to be in attendance for Dusty Rhodes tearing the house down right where he belonged - the main event.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.