10 Fun Facts About My Trip To WWE WrestleMania 23

4. Kenny Loses His Mind When Donald Trump Rugby Tackles Vince McMahon

The big sell for my buddy Kenny to come to WrestleMania 23 was based around the involvement of Donald Trump. The idea that this wacky billionaire would be involved in a wrestling angle just made him far too happy. Every week he€™d come over and watch the RAW segments leading up to the Battle of The Billionaires, and he was hooked on Vince€™s amazing performances and, of course, on Trump's horrible acting. I broke the news to Kenny, on the way to the stadium, that Trump probably wouldn€™t get physically involved, I mean, he€™d maybe slap McMahon but that was it. I€™d disappointed my friend but I didn€™t want to build his hopes up. As the Hair vs. Hair match came to a close, Vince and company had the upper hand when all of a sudden Donald Trump rugby tackled Vince and laid him out with some of the worst punches you are ever likely to see in a wrestling setting. The way Kenny reacted, you€™d have thought his team just won the league. He was jumping up and down, hugging us, because the absurdity of being in an environment where two Billionaires brawl on the floor over a wrestling match where one of them would get his head shaved bald just made Kenny euphorically happy. Only in wrestling.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.