10 Gems That Saved Rotten Wrestling PPVs

5. Bret Hart Vs. Hakushi (WWF In Your House I)

Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam RVD

Boldly taking the decision to turn their pay-per-view model into a monthly one, the WWF started a cheaper series of events under the 'In Your House' name in May, 1995. These 2-hour specials would be offered up at a reduced rate to bigger events like WrestleMania and SummerSlam, but they often fell short in terms of quality.

The very first one in the series didn't thrill as much as flash past in an instant. Admittedly, In Your House I is interesting for historical purposes, but what show featuring matches like Mabel vs. Adam Bomb and a plodding Diesel vs. Sycho Sid main event could really be accurately described as must-see?

Thankfully, Bret Hart was on hand to save the day, just as he was many times when Vince McMahon needed him. Later working a short bout against Jerry Lawler on the same pay-per-view, he faced the newcomer Hakushi in the opener.

Even McMahon on commentary seemed surprised and impressed by what both men delivered, an athletic showing that was almost worth the reduced price of admission alone.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.