10 Genuine Reasons For Modern Wrestling Fans To Be Excited

5. A New Ric Flair Documentary

Stephanie McMahon


Regardless of how fans feel about The Nature Boy wrestling his upcoming (third) "last match", this is something to be excited about. After ESPN aired their 30 for 30 on 'Naitch (not to mention that Dark Side of the Ring episode), Ric Flair is still a relevant name in wrestling. WWE recently announced that it will be working on a new two-hour documentary on the life of The Nature Boy.

Although not much is known about the project, the documentary is said to center around the “never-before-revealed history” of Ric Flair. Flair has been actively involved in the wrestling industry since 1972. He has wrestled for most of the major promotions during the territory days, won championships a whopping 42 times, and guaranteed his spot on the Mount Rushmore of wrestling.

Flair's life outside of the ring has been a tome of equally compelling stories. While many of the broad strokes of his early life are known, a deep dive into the man's real life should be an easy two-hour sit for any fan of wrestling. Will this be a company fluff piece, or will the filmmakers shine a light on the less-glamorous aspects of Naitch's career?

Based on what's known about the life and times of Ric Flair, this project is sure to stir up buzz around the wrestling world's water cooler.


George is a life-long fan of genre, wrestling and guitars. He is an actor, writer, CrossFit trainer and former WWE storyline writer. He currently works as talent development for PWX wrestling and resides in the birthplace of the zombie movie, Pittsburgh, PA.