10 Gimmick Ideas WWE Were Right To Turn Down

9. 'Adam Hole' (Mr. Kennedy)

Ken Kennedy Vince McMahon

When Ken Anderson was searching for the right name that'd help shoot him to WWE fame, he wanted something that'd be memorable and keep him close to the boss man's heart. So, naturally John Laurinaitis pitched that he become 'Adam Hole'. As in 'A-Hole'. As in...well, you get it.

Neither Ken nor Vince McMahon liked it.

In fairness to ol' 'People Power' over there, his idea was based on something Anderson had already said; Vince had asked him to spew out a catchphrase that he liked saying in every day life. That's when Kenny boy said he enjoyed, "Nice guys finish last - thank God I'm an a*s-hole". Big Johnny's wheels started turning.

Another last-minute suggestion for the soon-to-be Mr. Kennedy came from Paul Heyman. He suggested that Anderson call himself 'Kenny Rumpus', largely because Rumpus was the name of Vince's favourite pet dog. The poor guy must've thought everyone was out to rib him.

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