10 Gimmicks Other Wrestlers HATED

7. Bret Hart Can’t Stand Unstoppable Goldberg

The Undertaker Brodus Clay Fail WWE

Meanwhile, Bret Hart was 'Team Gillberg'.

The 'Hitman' would be team anything if it meant going against someone he simply can't stand. Watch any Bret shoot today and you'll probably find some sort of negative comment about Goldberg. Hell, Hart could be discussing the correct way to tie your shoelaces and he'd still find a way to take a pop at Bill.

Bret worked extensively with Goldberg in WCW, and that's when their problems started. An errant kick at Starrcade 1999 sent Hart into a tailspin of health issues and retirement, and he's never forgiven his counterpart. Since then, Bret has badmouthed Bill any chance he gets. That included sniping at his recent WWE runs from afar.

Amongst other things, Hart just can't comprehend why people in the stands or behind the scenes like Goldberg's work or character. It's paper-thin to him, and the whole unstoppable squash match monster gimmick is one this Canadian legend struggles to stomach.

Death. Taxes. Bret Hart hating on Goldberg.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.