10 Gimmicks Other Wrestlers HATED

8. Goldberg Loathes Gillberg

The Undertaker Brodus Clay Fail WWE

Spare a thought for Duane Gill. The career jobber stumbled upon his big break by chance, and it only happened because the WWF fancied ripping the p*ss out of WCW monster Bill Goldberg. Thus, in late-1998, Duane became Gillberg. He sought laughs by riffing on Goldberg's mannerisms, entrance and moveset.

People giggled along, but Bill didn't find any of it funny.

Goldberg still doesn't enjoy reliving the Gillberg parody. He loathed the gimmick back then, and he loathes it now. Bill took it as a personal insult that someone would make money by poking fun at his very-serious, no-nonsense character over on the other channel. Keep in mind he was still finding his feet as a wrestler when Gillberg debuted.

It's easy to suggest that Bill lighten up, but put yourself in his shoes. WCW were pushing him to the moon, and here was some enhancement worker capitalising by making light of it. Funny from a fan's perspective. Not so much from Goldberg's. He wanted to crush Duane to dust.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.