10 Gimmicks Other Wrestlers HATED

6. Eric Bischoff Doesn’t Get Raven

The Undertaker Brodus Clay Fail WWE

Is Eric Bischoff a wrestler? Well, he's wrestled against legends like Larry Zbyszko, Ric Flair and Steve Austin. He even pulled a five-star classic out of Jeremy Borash, for goodness sake! OK, not really for the last one, but bouts vs. the first trio were hardly awful. So, the Bisch qualifies for a spot on this list.

He'd leave Raven off one looking at WCW's best characters.

This is something co-host Conrad Thompson occasionally teases Eric for on their '83 Weeks' podcast. Bischoff has never quite understood the appeal of Raven's mopey, grunge-inspired gimmick. It's always been milquetoast creative to him, and he refuses to budge on that opinion. Fair enough.

Thompson and other listeners who fondly recall Raven's Flock have asked Eric why he didn't push Raven into a more prominent spot. Clearly, the then-WCW boss just didn't see any money in it. The Kurt Cobain stylings of Raven passed him by completely, and he doesn't regret a thing about that either.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.