10 Gimmicks Other Wrestlers HATED

4. Scott Hall Worries About Goldust

The Undertaker Brodus Clay Fail WWE

"Worries about" might be putting things gently. Scott Hall didn't have a lot of time for the WWF's bold new Goldust character in late-1995/early-1996. Privately, the then-Razor Ramon was already pulling away from the company after plateauing financially on the roster, but Dustin Rhodes' fresh gimmick might've tipped him over the edge.

Hall would later refute any claims of homophobia. According to him, it was more that Vince McMahon was pushing the envelope with a sexually-suggestive character during an era when that wasn't the norm. Plus, Scott told others backstage that his kid and young friends watched WWF programming. He didn't think they should be watching someone gyrate and touch himself like Goldust was.

Rightly or wrongly, Hall felt how he felt. He didn't have heat with Dustin, but intensely disliked what he was bringing to the table during their Intercontinental Title feud as Goldust. Roddy Piper would end up subbing in for Razor, then Scott left for WCW by the summer of '96.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.