10 Gimmicks WWE Cancelled For Being TOO SUCCESSFUL

9. Perry Saturn’s "Moppy"

Rusev Day Vince McMahon

Reportedly (and realistically), "Moppy" was a punishment slapped on Perry Saturn for rag-dolling enhancement worker Mike Bell around on an episode of oft-forgotten 'C' show Metal. Rather incredibly though, ol' Pez was so outrageous when flirting with a mop that the gimmick earned cheers.

Saturn's erm... relationship with "Moppy" became one of the fed's most over ideas in 2001. Nobody, including fans and industry critics alike, could quite believe that, but everyone agreed that the then-WWF would ride this unlikely success all the way to merchandise sales and line their pockets.

Nah, "Moppy" getting over hadn't been the company's plan.

So, perhaps confused as to why people were so into the thought of a former WCW midcarder doting on cleaning equipment, creative abandoned the idea after Unforgiven '01 and Perry's feud with Raven. Their follow-up plan? To do absolutely sod all with Saturn before releasing him the next year.

That'll show those marks for enjoying something that was supposed to be humiliating.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.