10 Gimmicks WWE Cancelled For Being TOO SUCCESSFUL

8. Damian Mizdow

Rusev Day Vince McMahon

You've got to feel sorry for Damian Sandow.

His heel 'Intellectual Saviour' gimmick was so well-done that fans began rooting for it. Sure, Damo was an a*shole, but he was their a*shole. So to speak. Somewhat ironically, Sandow's next gimmick caused him to get a ton of crap behind the scenes for daring to get it over too.

After losing his Money In The Bank push overnight, Damien floundered before linking up with The Miz and becoming a walking, talking impersonation of the Hollywood hopeful. Damien Mizdow entertained the ever-living-hell out of everyone by mimicking Miz's entrance and even copying what he was doing during matches.

WWE dropped the ball big time come the split; Mizdow became his own man during the Battle Royal at WrestleMania 31, then feuded with his old partner afterwards. Miz won the feud quickly, Mizdow was phased out and Damien returned to his prior smart-arsed gimmick.

No-one was satisfied, and it's so strange that WWE seemed to punish him for doing well.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.