In an age where superheroes are all the rage, it's amazing that WWE hasn't gone all-out with a proper super hero character. Sure, WWE would probably argue that its wrestlers are true, real-life superheroes, but that doesn't mean that WWE shouldn't take inspiration from the recent comic book craze. WWE did have a superhero gimmick in the form of The Hurricane but that, unfortunately, was too ahead of its time. Had Hurricane came along today, Shane Helms' career might have went a very different way. In an era where merchandise sales are valued above seemingly all else, Hurricane would surely be a major player in today's WWE. Back in 2003, The Hurricane was one of the top merch shifters in the company, right up there with the likes of Steve Austin, The Rock and Rob Van Dam. It would be easy to do a PG superhero and, although Helms is now 40 years old and unlikely to return, the company could easily create a similar gimmick for somebody else.