10 Glaring Problems WWE Must Solve Before SummerSlam 2021

4. Reboot RAW's Women's Division

WWE mess

Vince McMahon: "Pritchard, are these people saying 'Same old s**t?"

Bruce Pritchard: "No sir. They're saying 'Such good s**t'"

Sigh. Repetition has long been a problem in WWE, and RAW's lacklustre Women's Title scene is the most glaring example of the fact.

After ignoring the division for months during Asuka's abysmally booked reign, WWE have been floundering to give the title a shred of its former relevance by featuring it on every show. Unfortunately, having failed to develop any new challengers over the seven months Asuka held the belt, WWE have been forced to recycle the same trio of opponents to diminishing returns.

Asuka, Rhea and Charlotte are undoubtedly fantastic wrestlers, but having them go at each other week in week out has exposed that none of them are firing on all cylinders right now. Asuka and Rhea have almost no chemistry (hey, it happens) and even Charlotte has been making uncharacteristic botches as of late.

Having all three of them repeatedly battle each other only highlights their current issues, and underlines the fact that the RAW Women's Division desperately needs some fresh blood in before Summerslam.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.