10 Great Matches From WCW's Final Year

2. Chavo Guerrero vs. Shane Helms (Sin - January, 2001)

On the final episode of WCW's Nitro program, Shane Helms and Chavo Guerrero would have a terrific match. As good as that bout was, it couldn't top the one both men would produce at the Sin Pay-Per-View in January, 2001. The show will forever be remembered for a horrendous injury to Sid Vicious, who fractured his leg gruesomely when attempting a jump kick from the middle rope. Long before that sickening moment in the main event, Chavo and Helms put on a classic example of how to open a show the right way. Smooth transitions were fast becoming a hallmark of Helms, who really was standing out as a true star in the Cruiserweight division, and Guerrero himself has never been any slouch when it comes to putting on a technical showcase. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2pf6e_chavo-guerrero-vs-shane-helms-jan-2_sport It'd be Guerrero who would leave victorious, but the pair would battle over the belt on a few more occasions before WCW folded. It's fair to say that 2001 would have been a huge year in the career of Shane Helms had Vince McMahon not bought over WCW. As it turns out, Helms would find success in the WWF as The Hurricane, a comedy character, so things didn't turn out too badly for him.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.