10 Great Matches From WWE No Mercy PPVs

6. Chris Benoit Vs. Triple H (2000)

Chris Jericho The Rock No Mercy 2001
WWE Network

It should not be forgotten just how damn good Triple H was during the year 2000. Progressing from cocky upper-midcarder to full-on main event heel, he worked monthly blinders with everyone from Mick Foley and The Rock to Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle. One of his most overlooked matches from that era (for obvious reasons) came against Chris Benoit at No Mercy.

The Game began the match by attacking The Crippler's knee before Benoit retaliated and began working on Triple H's arm, wearing it down with tactical precision (including a nifty diving headbutt onto the limb). Trips, temporarily playing the role of babyface, rallied and hit his usual stuff before being taken to Suplex City, before that was even a thing.

In the end, interference from Stephanie McMahon enabled her husband to hit the Pedigree and get a hard-fought win. The work here was so crisp and the psychology so tight that it is just a joy to watch. The two men repeatedly tried to deliver a classic four years later when Benoit was World Heavyweight Champion, but they didn't quite come close to matching their efforts here.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...