10 Great Matches From WWE No Mercy PPVs

4. Triple H Vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE Title (2008)

Chris Jericho The Rock No Mercy 2001

WWE fans were desperate to see Jeff Hardy become the WWE Champion by the time No Mercy 2008 rolled around. He'd always been one of the more popular performers on the roster, but he'd built some serious momentum over the summer months, to the point where he was set to challenge Triple H for the gold.

The story of this babyface versus babyface match was that Triple, Cerebral Assassin that he is, was always one step ahead of The Charismatic Enigma. He outwrestled him the early going, almost trapped him in the Pedigree and simply walked away when Jeff went for one of his trademark daredevil dives to the outside.

He went right to work on the back, wearing down the ailing Hardy who truly looked like he needed the support of the fans in order to fire back. Every time he did so, Hunter looked more and more exasperated in his attempts to knock him right back down. Jeff was growing into the match, finding little openings in which to launch into an attack.

After the requisite false finishers in the closing stretch, the Rainbow-Haired Warrior looked like he had it in the bag following a Twist of Fate/Swanton Bomb combination. Triple H showed his veteran instincts, however, rolling him up with a crucifix to just snatch the victory.

This was one of Hardy's best non-gimmicked matches and Triple H looked like the total pro he is, controlling the pace and tempo. They really had fans biting on the nearfalls at the end and the finish worked well. Great stuff, this.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...