10 Great Superstars Who Will Never Be WWE Champion

7. Neville

Neville is an incredible athlete who has shown on more than one occasion that he could very easily tear up the main event scene. Impressive title matches with Seth Rollins and John Cena proved that this year, but they don't necessarily mean that the former NXT Champion is going to end up ever holding the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. It's become apparent that the WWE views him as little more than an attraction who can wow crowds in the middle of Raw with a fast paced match and fancy finishing move. The midcard titles may be within his reach, but a run at the top just isn't going to happen. For starters, his height really goes against him; he may be the same size as Daniel Bryan, but bear in mind that the only reason the leader of the Yes Movement wound up in the main event of WrestleMania was because the fans forced the hand of Vince McMahon (who appears to have a real thing against smaller guys like him and Neville being champion). Throw in the fact that he has a fairly strong accent and not the greatest of promo skills, and there's not a huge amount that Neville has going for him as a marketable champion. He's no doubt amazing in the ring of course, but that may not be enough, and so it's easier to picture Neville continuing to be a midcard attraction who's forever underrated rather than ever having the chance to have a memorable run at the top.
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.