10 Great Superstars Who Will Never Be WWE Champion

3. Ryback

If Ryback thinks he's going to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion, he may want to revise that vision board of his. Despite having the right look, The Big Guy simply doesn't have the skill to go with it. He's certainly capable of delivering an entertaining or watchable match, but that simply isn't enough, something which has become evident from his main event runs against guys like John Cena and CM Punk, as well as his forgettable reign as Intercontinental Champion. He has plenty of plus points, but nowhere near enough to make him worthy of holding this title. For starters, he's lost way too many times to suddenly revert to the early persona he had as an unstoppable force of nature, and it's apparent that crowds are indifferent to him. Ryback's "Feed Me More" catchphrase is more over than he is, and that easy to chant slogan doesn't equal the kind of heat required to ascend the ranks and win the big one. By far the biggest disadvantage going against Ryback though are his appalling promo skills. Right about now, you're probably thinking how that hasn't held Roman Reigns back, but even he sounds more natural than the robotic Ryback. He makes his way through promos like he's reading dialogue off a teleprompter being fed lines by a child. Seth Rollns' promo skills were a little questionable when he was split from The Shield, but showed huge signs of improvement in the months that followed. Ryback is possibly worse now than when he started, and there's no way someone who can't deliver a decent promo ends up with the championship!
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