10 Great Tag Teams WWE Needs To Sign

4. War Machine

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With their unique look and brawling style, War Machine are something of a throwback to the 1980s classic era of wrestling; something which would go down a treat in NXT.

On top of that, however, Hanson and Raymond Rowe bring a modern athleticism and a myriad of exciting double team moves which allow them to work perfectly with smaller teams on the independent scene.

Former ROH tag champs, War Machine recently made their debut in New Japan as part of the G1 Tag League. And given that the duo only debuted in 2015, it's safe to say that the team have a very bright future ahead of them and WWE would be wise to snap them up soon.

You just know Hanson and Rowe would match up beautifully with The Revival if they made the trip to Full Sail, while their look would also make them a perfect fit for the Wyatt Family on Smackdown, if Bray fancies adding a couple more members to his cult.


Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...