10 Great Wrestling Factions Who Held All The Gold

1. The Corporation

The Shield WWE

Prior to 1997, Vince McMahon had little interest in being a wrestling “character”, content instead with commentating and occasionally interviewing the stars. Subsequent to the game-changing events of the Montreal Screwjob, though, he changed his tune, and a short while later, The Corporation was born.

Assembled as a team to assist in McMahon’s perennial foe Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Corporation included comedic work from Sergeant Slaughter, Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco. More importantly, though, was the core crew of Big Boss Man, Ken Shamrock, and The Rock.

Between them, The Corporation won everything there was to win. Shamrock and Boss Man were tag champs while simultaneously holding the Intercontinental and Hardcore titles. More pressingly, The Rock completed his ascent to the top, becoming WWF champion three times over, often due to the machinations of McMahon and his influence.

As a heel unit, The Corporation couldn’t have been more effective. A credible hero needs a credible villain, and The Corporation were as credible as they come, winning titles through fair means and foul, always with a comeuppance around the corner.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)