10 Great Wrestling Factions Who Held All The Gold

7. The Two Man Power Trip

The Shield WWE
WWE Network

The WrestleMania X-7 Austin heel turn remains controversial, if not downright disastrous, to many WWE fans, but if it brought us nothing but The Two Man Power Trip, it was probably just about worthwhile.

The team of Stone Cold, Triple H, and benefactor Vince McMahon was, obviously, pure star power. The two wasted no time laying waste to the rest of WWE’s roster and cementing their place as the baddest guys in the business. Austin held the WWF title from ‘Mania, and within the week, HHH had gained (then lost and regained) the Intercontinental belt.

To seal the deal, though, they needed the tag straps, and they won these in some style, beating the Brothers Of Destruction at Backlash with all the gold on the line.

The image of the two Attitude Era legends clutching every prize there is to win is one of the most memorable from the latter days of the period, and were it not for Helmsley tearing a quad in that unforgettable Raw tag match against Jericho and Benoit, who knows how far the team would have gone.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)