10 Great Wrestling Matches That SUCKED Live

2. Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit

Randy Orton AJ Styles WrestleMania 35
WWE Network

Where: WWF Backlash 2001

The Match: WrestleMania X-Seven enemies Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit reconvened for another winner at Backlash. Technical wrestling enthusiasts licked their lips at the prospect of a guaranteed 30 minutes of back and forth submission superbness in this 'Ultimate Submission'-meets-'Iron Man' battle.

Why It Sucked: Nobody in the stands had any clue how much time was left in the match or what the score was. Incredibly, the WWF failed to put a clock or scoreboard on the big tron in the arena, and that meant this one was tough for fans to follow.

It also eliminated any chance of tension when Angle, who was ahead on the scoreboard, stalled to try and see out remaining time. Kurt has spoken about this match in-depth on his podcast, and even he thinks it was a blunder not to clue people in with the same timer and scorecard that fans watching at home got on their screens.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.