10 Great WWE Finishers Used By Less-Than-Great Wrestlers
8. Power & Glory - Power Plex
They may never have set the world aflame, but Paul Roma and Hercules were a credible middle of the card tag team that would give teams above them a decent win. Well, unless you were Legion of Doom and it was WrestleMania VII, of course. Roma and Hercules complimented each other well, even if by this point both were the walking embodiment of mediocre.
Hercules was a one-dimensional punching man, and whilst Roma had a pretty fantastic dropkick, he is still generally considered the worst member of the Four Horseman in history, and Steve friggin' McMichael was ne once. Power & Glory matches were Performance Center like in their simplicity.
Their finisher was ever so graceful though. It was called the Power Plex, and was as simple as it was effective. Hercules would hit a superplex, showcasing his power, before Roma came-a-flyin' off the top rope with a big splash. Many teams have gone on to use evolved versions of this move, but in WWE it was one of the first tag finishers that required true continuity.