10 Great WWE Finishers Used By Less-Than-Great Wrestlers
7. Chavo Guerrero - Gory Bomb
Chavo Guerrero is alright. He's a decent hand in the ring, to say the least, and there was always a feeling that he was capable of having very good to great matches. The thing was he just never seemed to have them, a few decent matches with Rey Mysterio aside. He was generally everyone's least favourite Guerrero, whether that was deserved or not.
Before he began using the Frog Splash following the death of Uncle Eddie in 2005, Chavo used the wonderful Gory Bomb as his finishing move. The move was actually invented by his grandfather Gory Guerrero, and is a back-to-back facebuster of sorts.
Chavo was fairly dictionary definition when it came to 'not bad', but the Gory Bomb always felt and looked fairly unique. It was a thousand times better than his Frog Splash, anyhow.