10 Great WWE Finishers Used By Less-Than-Great Wrestlers

3. Matt Morgan - Hellevator

For the life of me, I can't understand why more people haven't used this move as a finisher. Hirooki Goto is one who uses it in New Japan Pro Wrestling, calling it the 'Shouten Kai', but in mainstream American wrestling I can't think of anyone other than 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan to have used it.

Now Morgan wasn't a terrible wrestler - far from it - but his size always worked against him somewhat. Morgan was just what WWE were looking for back then, yet for some reason he was saddled with the stuttering gimmick which has never helped anyone not from Dudleyville.

Morgan has proved that he can be a good enough big man, and was certainly helped by frequently working with supreme talent such as AJ Styles, Samoa Joe or Christopher Daniels in TNA.

The Hellevator, however, well that is a hell of a move. A vertical suplex into a side slam, it is fluid and smooth and devastating all at once. Goto has used it for years yet it still pops crowds, which could be down to how rarely the move is used in general.

Apollo Crews, this should be your finisher.

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Born in the middle of Wales in the middle of the 1980's, John can't quite remember when he started watching wrestling but he has a terrible feeling that Dino Bravo was involved. Now living in Prague, John spends most of his time trying to work out how Tomohiro Ishii still stands upright. His favourite wrestler of all time is Dean Malenko, but really it is Repo Man. He is the author of 'An Illustrated History of Slavic Misery', the best book about the Slavic people that you haven't yet read. You can get that and others from www.poshlostbooks.com.