10 Great WWE Matches Brock Lesnar Missed Out On

8. Lesnar Vs Floyd Mayweather

When WWE brought Floyd "Money" Mayweather in at WrestleMania 24, they used the star attraction against The Big Show. It was hardly the most inspiring booking for the biggest pay per view star on the planet. Show was clearly just a jobber for the boxing legend. But if had Brock Lesnar been employed by WWE at the time, he would have added a ton of heat to a bout with Mayweather. There'd have been way more atmosphere to it, with Lesnar's legitimate athletic background going against Floyd's undoubted toughness. Fans would have bought it way more than the Big Show going against the boxer. However, in 2008, Lesnar was busy making his name in the UFC.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.