10 Great WWE Matches Brock Lesnar Missed Out On

7. Lesnar Vs Hulk Hogan

Brock Lesnar and Hulk Hogan did actually wrestle in WWE. The match was in 2002 on Smackdown, with Lesnar getting the win via Hogan passing out in a bear hug. Afterwards, Lesnar smashed Hogan with a steel chair, literally beating him out of the WWE. It was memorable and it always left it open for a Hogan vs Lesnar rematch. The classic story would be Hogan eventually coming back and avenging Lesnar's brutality. But it never happened, as Hogan instead matched with Mr McMahon at WrestleMania 19 and then got caught in the creative black hole of Mr America later in 2003. By the time Hulk returned again in 2005, Lesnar was already out of the WWE. If he had been there, it would've been the perfect time to rematch the heel Lesnar against the immortal Hogan. Certainly better than the Randy Orton vs Hulk Hogan match that they went with at SummerSlam 2006.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.