10 Greatest Calls Of Jim Ross’ Career

7. SummerSlam 2002

Jim Ross STop The Match

Okay, so we all know the deal by now: wrestling’s a work. But it’s easy to forget that and suspend your disbelief when JR’s calling the action, as his words give everything a sense of realism. And never was that more apparent than at SummerSlam 2002.

After Triple H and Shawn Michaels put on an excellent display in their Unsanctioned Street Fight, the Game reacted rather poorly to his defeat and chose to take out his frustrations on the victor, Michaels.

With Michaels’ back turned, Triple H struck him with his trusty sledgehammer, before dealing out a couple more blows for good measure. And naturally, this prompted JR to launch into one of his most damning tirades, directed at the Game’s heinous actions.

“He’s going to rot in hell for what he did here tonight” was the initial verdict, before he soon began to question “how in God’s name can that human being be from this planet? Does he have no conscience? Does he have no heart? Do you have no soul, you son of a b*tch?!”

The way he adapted his words from rhetorical questions to very direct ones aimed at Triple H himself made this one feel all the more heartfelt. If for some strange reason you weren’t invested in this angle beforehand, there’s no way you felt the same way after this rant.

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