10 Greatest Calls Of Jim Ross’ Career

6. Mr. McMahon Is The Higher Power

This segment will be remembered for producing one of the greatest lines in Monday Night Raw history, as Vince McMahon revealed to the world that “it was me Austin!”, and that he was indeed the mysterious Higher Power.

But we’ve got a two-for-one-deal here, because McMahon’s promo spawned another gem of a line from JR on commentary, who couldn’t believe this to be the case.

In an absolutely perfectly-timed delivery, JR responded to McMahon’s reveal with a mixture of disgust and defeat in his most eloquent of lines: “Aw, son of a b*tch.”

Again, the sincerity with which he delivered this line made the reaction feel so real, while the resignation in his voice at the fact that he’d been duped by the boss once more summed up the feelings of so many fans around the world.

“You all bought it!” cried McMahon, “even my immediate family bought it!” Well, judging by his reaction, you can add JR’s name onto that list as well. Another top contribution on commentary in another top segment.

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