10 Greatest Calls Of Jim Ross’ Career

8. Jeff Hardy Vs. The Undertaker

Another Undertaker match-up here, but one that came in the rather more secluded environment of a routine showing of Monday Night Raw. Still, the smaller stage didn't change anything for JR, as he still called the action with every bit of energy he could muster up regardless.

The match itself was an awesome contest: a Ladder match for the WWE Undisputed Championship between Jeff Hardy and the Undertaker, with the plucky underdog Hardy almost scoring a major upset over the Deadman.

Hardy’s moment came after a sneaky chair shot had knocked Undertaker for six, gifting the challenger the chance to begin his ascent up the ladder. And with Hardy slowly edging toward victory, JR couldn’t contain his emotion. “Climb that ladder, kid, make yourself famous!”, was his most memorable line of encouragement, as he willed his man from rung to rung.

Judging by his passion, I think JR might have wanted Hardy to win even more than Hardy did himself. Ultimately, though, Undertaker would come through to retain his title, but it had been one of the best title matches in Raw history, and another that certainly benefited from JR’s input on commentary.

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