10 Greatest Calls Of Jim Ross’ Career

5. Raw Is Owen

Onto a rather more sombre note here, and our next entry features one of the more poignant eulogies we’ve ever heard on WWE programming, as JR paid tribute to the recently-deceased Owen Hart.

In light of Hart’s recent passing, on the 24 May 1999 Raw is Owen memorial show, JR offered a perfect summary of both the great human being that Owen was, and the extent to which he would be missed by everyone who had been lucky enough to know him.

“Ladies and gentleman, all I can say about Owen Hart is that I hope that I can be as good a man as him so that I can see him again someday”, were his exact words. And though we’ve said plenty of times on this list that JR had a way of making his words feel real, you just know that these were the most genuine of all.

Having regained his composure, JR closed with the “no doubt about it, we loved Owen Hart, and we love his family, and we will always miss him.” And honestly, he couldn’t have put it any better.

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Jim Ross WCPW
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