10 Greatest Calls Of Jim Ross’ Career

4. Triple H Revealed As Austin’s Attacker

While Triple H’s diabolical ways have already been the inspiration behind one entry on this list, that wasn’t the only time that the Game incurred the verbal wrath of JR.

A couple of years prior to his actions at SummerSlam 2002, Triple H was being just as villainous as ever on an episode of Raw, when he revealed himself to be the man who arranged for Stone Cold Steve Austin to be run down at the 1999 Survivor Series.

Again, we all know that Austin didn’t really get run over, and it was simply a way of writing him off TV in order to allow him to go get surgery. But JR’s reaction to Triple H’s revelation made us all forget about that for at least a moment, and allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in this latest twist in the tale.

With the Game laying a glove-laden beating onto a bloody Austin, JR demanded answers. “Why Triple H, you son of a b*tch, why? Tell me why!”, he literally screamed as Raw went off the air, giving us a perfect reason to tune in again next week, as well as another great call that would stick in our minds for a whole lot longer.

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Jim Ross WCPW
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