10 Greatest Episodes Of WWE's Brother Love Show

8. Big Boss Man’s Change Of Heart

The Undertaker Brother Love

On the February 24, 1990 episode of The Brother Love Show, a key babyface turn took place. The angle started in the ring with Jake ‘the Snake’ Roberts being attacked and handcuffed by The Big Boss Man. Boss Man then took his bag containing Damien and Ted DiBiase’s stolen ‘Million Dollar Championship’ belt.

What followed was DiBiase announcing on The Brother Love Show that he made a “payoff” to the Bossman for his services. Boss Man took exception because his manager Slick led him to believe that he was simply retrieving stolen merchandise. DiBiase demanded Boss Man “deliver the goods” but he refused and returned the bag to Roberts.

This episode began a very successful babyface run for the Boss Man. It established that he had integrity. It also set up feuds for him with both top heel DiBiase and former tag team partner Akeem who was also managed by Slick.

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I'm a pro wrestling content contributor for WhatCulture. I've been a fan since the early 1980s and have been writing about it for about ten years. I like taking a historical approach to pro wrestling and have a keen interest in the 1980s.