10 Greatest Episodes Of WWE's Brother Love Show

7. Bad News For The President

The Undertaker Brother Love

WWE President Jack Tunney rarely made televised appearances and they were usually remote from his office. That’s why his appearance on the November 28, 1988 episode of The Brother Love Show was so interesting. Things got even more interesting when another guest joined the show.

Brother Love started by berating Tunney for not holding babyfaces, like Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage, accountable for their actions on his show. After Tunney reacted dismissively, Love brought out Bad News Brown. Brown accused Tunney of protecting WWE Champion Randy Savage from him and taking brides from Savage which included Ms Elizabeth.

Tunney responded by poking Brown’s shoulder. Brown then manhandled him to the floor and threatened him. The controversial episode ended with Love standing over Tunney while reiterating the accusation about Ms Elizabeth. The episode helped push Bad News as a cerebral villain who knew what buttons to push to get his way.

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I'm a pro wrestling content contributor for WhatCulture. I've been a fan since the early 1980s and have been writing about it for about ten years. I like taking a historical approach to pro wrestling and have a keen interest in the 1980s.