10 Greatest Episodes Of WWE's Brother Love Show

6. Piper’s Hygiene Lesson & A Rude Awakening

The Undertaker Brother Love

The September 9, 1989 episode of The Brother Love Show featured an interview with the unpredictable ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper. Whether as a heel or as a babyface, Piper was always a sure bet for some over the top shenanigans. He came in with a plan in the form of a hygiene bag. It wasn’t long before he assaulted Love with dental floss, toothpaste, and shampoo.

However, Piper wouldn’t get the last laugh. With the help of Bobby ‘the Brain’ Heenan, Rick Rude surprised Piper with a face full of mouthwash from the hygiene bag. A defenseless Piper took a vicious beating from Rude including a ‘Rude Awakening’.

The fall feud culminated in a Survivor Series match between Roddy’s Rowdies and The Rude Brood. A few months later, Piper would gain a measure of revenge on Love by hijacking The Brother Love Show and forcing him to parade around the stage in a diaper and pacifier.

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I'm a pro wrestling content contributor for WhatCulture. I've been a fan since the early 1980s and have been writing about it for about ten years. I like taking a historical approach to pro wrestling and have a keen interest in the 1980s.