10 Greatest Episodes Of WWE's Brother Love Show

5. Blinded By Arrogance

The Undertaker Brother Love

Jake ‘the Snake’ Roberts and Rick ‘the Model’ Martel settled their feud in a blindfold match at WrestleMania VII. It was an elaborate angle that lasted almost six months and had many segments devoted to its build. The Brother Love Show is where it all started.

Martel appeared on the October 6, 1990 episode to promote his cologne ‘Arrogance’. Love invited him to stay for his interview segment with Roberts. At Love’s insistence, Martel sprayed the stage to ward off the smell of the “slimy, stinky snake”. Roberts’ delivered a great promo before being sprayed in the eyes with cologne by Martel. The Big Bossman came to the aid of Roberts to help push his new babyface persona.

After the incident, Roberts was said to be blinded which put his wrestling career in jeopardy. For weeks, there were segments updating his condition. Roberts eventually regained his sight and defeated Martel in the blindfold match.

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I'm a pro wrestling content contributor for WhatCulture. I've been a fan since the early 1980s and have been writing about it for about ten years. I like taking a historical approach to pro wrestling and have a keen interest in the 1980s.