10 Greatest Ever Formations Of Wrestling Factions

8. D-Generation X 2.0

D-Generation X

D-Generation is one of the most popular factions of all time. The thing is, the original DX didn't have all that noteworthy of a formation.

Rather than some major swerve or a monumental beatdown, that initial incarnation of DX came together because Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley were made to team together after Helmsley interfered in Michaels' match with Mankind (with whom Hunter was feuding with).

Given how Chyna was at that point at Helmsley's side, and how Shawn had bought in Rick Rude as his 'insurance policy', that meant by proxy this working relationship became a four-way affair.

With Rude having left the company post-Montreal Screwjob in November '97, and Shawn retiring after WrestleMania XIV, the night after that 'Mania was a major changing of the guard for DX.

That 30 March 1998 Raw saw Triple H lambast Michaels for his loss, then bring the returning Sean Waltman into the fold as the group's third wheel, X-Pac. Later that night, it would become clear that Hunter's recruitment push wasn't finished - as he, Kid and Chyna assisted the New Age Outlaws and laid a beating on Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie.

Considering that Helmsley at that point was seen as a solid hand who had yet to show true breakout main event promise, the recalibration of DX felt like a true moment of change for the future Game and for the D-Generation X group.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.