10 Greatest Ever Formations Of Wrestling Factions

7. The Corporation

D-Generation X

The loose pieces of the Corporation were in place in the weeks leading up to the 1998 Survivor Series, yet it was on that November night at St. Louis' Kiel Center that the group was made official.

At that edition of the Survivor Series, the Rock defeated Mankind to become WWF Champion for the first time. But to do that, the Great One had to turn heel and join forces with Vince McMahon and his lackeys.

By re-running the Montreal Screwjob finish of the previous year's Survivor Series, the Rock got a faux tap-out victory over Foley, with Vince calling for the bell, ala what he did to Bret Hart.

What followed was Rocky standing tall with Vince and Shane McMahon, as the Corporation was formed and had its Corporate Champion in the former Rocky Maivia.

Rock and the McMahons would be joined by Ken Shamrock, Big Boss Man, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco and Sgt. Slaughter in that initial incarnation of the Corporation, with the faction cementing itself as the top heel act in the company - and the Rock positioned as the perfect foil for 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.