10 Greatest Ladder Matches In WWE History

4. Chris Benoit Vs. Chris Jericho - Royal Rumble 2001

Triple H, The Rock

For obvious reasons, it's quite difficult to watch Jericho and Benoit take each other to the limit at Royal Rumble 2001 - particularly when the Rabid Wolverine throws himself into a dive, only for Y2J to meet him with a sickening chairshot.

However, at the time, this was one of the best matches of a red-hot era for WWF. The pair were in the midst of an intense upper-midcard feud, similar in a way to The Rock and Triple H from a few years prior. Like those earlier foes, Jericho and Benoit would go on to hold top tier titles soon after (although Y2J's time would come much sooner, in less than a year).

This match is perhaps most famous for its defining image - Jericho locking Benoit in the Walls with both perched perilously atop the ladder.

Y2J would triumph, and snatch the Intercontinental Championship from his heel counterpart.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.