10 Greatest Matches From WWE's SmackDown Six

8. Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle vs. Los Guerreros (Rebellion 2002)

Kurt Angle Edge No Mercy 2002
WWE Network

Continuing the saga, two days after the previous match, Angle and Benoit put their gold on the line against Los Guerreros (which kind of invalidates the previous number one contender match, but there you go).

Taking place in Manchester, the crowd is inexplicably hot for Kurt Angle, chanting his name whenever he’s not in the ring. Typical for the time, the superstars set out to steal the show and succeed, with the champions delivering the sequence of devastating suplexes and submission moves we’ve come to expect, and Eddie and Chavo taking the opportunistic heel role. The lying, cheating, and stealing ethos had yet to be laid out, but they’re at it with gusto here, Chavo hitting Angle with a(n unfortunately very limp) belt shot when the ref is incapacitated.

Kurt gets the pin after a thunderous Angle slam and the crowd goes home happy, but this is another reminder of how effortless it was for any combination of these six to put on an amazing match. This will be no one’s favourite match, but it’s absolutely worth another watch.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)