10 Greatest Ring Of Honor Matches Ever

6. Austin Aries Vs. Bryan Danielson (Testing The Limit 2004)

CM Punk Samoa Joe

Back in 2004, both Austin Aries and Bryan Danielson were pristine independent wrestling darlings. Both men snatched the main event slot of the August, 2004 show Testing The Limit.

Considering the match was a best 2-Out-Of-3 Falls clash, it deserved the headline status. Samoa Joe was defending the ROH World Title on the show (against Trent Acid), but Aries vs. Danielson had much more of a grand feel, so it was smart to give them the nod. Besides, they'd produce a complete stormer of a scrap.

Notably, CM Punk was on commentary through the event, and even he seemed to relish seeing Aries and Danielson lock up. His little pieces of wrestler insight, such as explaining how it feels to be in such a match, really help make the match more of a spectacle.

Danielson tapped to his old Cattle Mutilation hold first, before turning the tables on Aries to win the second fall. From there, Aries eventually won the bout at a whopping 76 minutes.

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