10 Greatest Ring Of Honor Matches Ever

5. Bryan Danielson Vs. Nigel McGuinness (Unified 2006)

CM Punk Samoa Joe
Ring of Honor

One of the more unique matches featured here, Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness was another unification bout, hence the show's title. What helps the match stand out most is that it's the only one on this list to take place in the United Kingdom, as part of ROH's foray into Liverpool in August 2006.

ROH Pure Champion McGuinness would eventually lose on home soil, meaning ROH World Champion Danielson left with both belts in his possession. Much like many classic Ring Of Honor main events, it wasn't necessarily the end result that this one would be judged on by fans.

Putting over the warrior spirit of his peer, Danielson beat McGuinness unconscious with brutal elbows at the end of the match. That makes for a stirring visual, and the Unified collision between the pair is perhaps even better than prior clashes they worked in ROH.

There's a special feel to the match, mainly down to the rowdy crowd and unique atmosphere. That would have counted for nothing if the action hadn't been strong once the bell rang, but it most definitely was.

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