10 Greatest Ring Of Honor Matches Ever

4. Bryan Danielson Vs. Takeshi Morishima (Manhattan Mayhem II, 2007)

CM Punk Samoa Joe

Another Bryan Danielson classic in Ring Of Honor most certainly had the aura that the aforementioned Low Ki vs. KENTA maybe lacked. Unlike many others examined during this collection, Danielson's match at Manhattan Mayhem II in August, 2007 was an example that differences in size shouldn't restrict world class wrestlers from putting on exciting matches.

Working opposite the monstrous Takeshi Morishima, Danielson likely knew he was in for a war. Something that's since become infamous is that Bryan suffered a detached retina in one of his eyes during the match, wrestling for a considerable length of time with the injury.

This injury - whilst grisly - did only add to the big time fight feel on offer. Morishima's brutal strikes were a feature, and Danielson consistently relied on stiff kicks to try and cut the big man down. The fact he failed is highlighted by the Japanese wrestler's victory, one which made him look even more unstoppable.

Later rematches are memorable, but this first singles affair between the pair has to go down as one of the greatest in ROH history.

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