10 Greatest Ring Of Honor Matches Ever

3. Samoa Joe Vs. Kenta Kobashi (Joe Vs. Kobashi, 2005)

CM Punk Samoa Joe

Speaking of aura, Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi had it in abundance. One of the most hyped matches in Ring Of Honor history, Joe vs. Kobashi was so anticipated that the entire event was named exactly that. In Kobashi's first match on American soil ever, the intensity was unbelievably high.

At one point in the bout, the Japanese wrestling legend hit a viciously long series of chops to Joe's chest. Even watching is painful, but some fans may dislike the fact that he was genuinely getting hurt with each passing blow. Others will be impressed by his toughness, and it cannot be argued that such manliness was a real focal point of the match.

It almost felt like an honour for Joe to put over Kobashi, which it likely was for the man. There's a carnival-like atmosphere in the audience too, and that enhances the actual action going on inside the ring.

If Ring Of Honor can be credited for one thing, it's providing fans in the Western hemisphere with the chance to see matches like this one in person.

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