10 Greatest Wrestling Brawlers Of All Time
5. Roddy Piper

While Hulk Hogan was flexing his way to the top of the industry, becoming the face of the WWE and hoisting the title over his head at the end of the day, Roddy Piper was quietly becoming the most interesting guy in the business, giving Hulkamania the initial boost.
While it's been debated as to whether Piper was the type of guy to do business on a consistent basis, his track record with Hogan speaks for itself. The golden boy needed a violent, dirty, temperamental heel to position himself against.
Roddy was the ideal combination of scrappy and reckless that was easy to boo when he was pummeling your favorite superstar, but even easier to get behind when he was taking his fury out on a guy you hated.
'Rowdy' Roddy is the poster boy for being able to captivate an audience with a completely bare bones approach to wrestling. Mat skills are wonderful to have, but they're useless if you're not able to tell a story with them. Piper was able to write more classics with a flurry of punches than most wrestlers could with Dean Malenko and Chris Jericho's entire move set.