10 Greatest Wrestling Managers Ever

7. Sunny

Paul Heyman

Controversy may have followed her in her personal life, but it's important not to forget that Sunny was one hell of a talker in her prime. It didn't hurt that she looked like a million bucks, something her arrogant character was only too aware of. Ironically, she didn't get on well with Paul Bearer behind the scenes.

It was Jim Cornette who first spotted something in Sunny, and she'd become a staple of his Smoky Mountain Wrestling territory. From there, the blonde would find much success in the WWF, managing everyone from The Body Donnas and The Smoking Gunns, to The Godwinns and even LOD 2000.

The centre of attention whenever her wrestlers appeared, Sunny can not be overlooked as someone who excelled with a microphone in her hand. Even around ringside, she was energetic and lively when matches were in progress, not content to simply stand there and watch without any reaction like so many others.

Miss. Elizabeth (and perhaps even Sable) may be more fondly remembered than Sunny, but there was no contest in terms of charisma and actual interaction around the ring.

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Paul Heyman
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.